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Bach Flower Remedies Diploma Course


Bach flower remedies are powerful yet gentle healing tools that can help you resolve emotional imbalances, amongst many other things. From this course, you will learn how to become a Bach flower practitioner. You’ll study how they work, how to put custom treatments together from remedies and treat various conditions, and how to work with clients.

To introduce you to the subject, the course first takes you through the history and origin of Bach flower remedies, with information on its creator, Dr Edward Bach and his research. This introduction also includes an explanation of vibrational healing and a guide through Bach’s written works.

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What Will You Learn?

Bach flower remedies are powerful yet gentle healing tools that can help you resolve emotional imbalances, amongst many other things. From this course, you will learn how to become a Bach flower practitioner. You’ll study how they work, how to put custom treatments together from remedies and treat various conditions, and how to work with clients.

To introduce you to the subject, the course first takes you through the history and origin of Bach flower remedies, with information on its creator, Dr Edward Bach and his research. This introduction also includes an explanation of vibrational healing and a guide through Bach’s written works.

The Bach Flower Remedies Diploma Course provides an understanding of how the Bach system works with the mental and emotional body and how flower essences help to enhance the positive aspects of these areas and bring balance through powerful energetic frequencies that affect your soul. To really get a grasp of how the therapy works, you will be guided through the body’s 5 layers of energy.

The Bach flower course guides you through the 7 Bach groups and all 38 remedies. Each one is fully explained with when and how they should be used, Bach’s own explanation of the remedy and the personality traits to look out for that match with certain remedies. Case studies are also included, to cement understanding.

With each of the remedies understood, the Bach Flower Remedies Diploma Course goes on to explain how they are prepared and how they help those taking them. You’ll learn how to put together remedies for specific issues, including anger, depression, emotional eating & weight Issues, fear & anxiety, lack of focus, stress, panic attacks, stuttering, and sleeplessness.

Dr Bach believed that negative moods and emotions are responsible for the breakdown in our health, which then leads to illness. With this in mind, he based his flower remedies upon what he called a ‘theory of types’ by which he divided people into seven groups based on their reactions to illness. From this course, you will learn about human emotions, the energy centres of the body, and how Bach believed that through treating a client’s emotional and mental state with flower remedies, you can help to remedy their illnesses.

As animals have emotions that are similar to humans, which can become unbalanced, they too can benefit from Bach flower remedies. The course advises on remedies that can help with issues specific to cats, dogs, and horses. You will also find out about some useful Bach remedies for plants.

In addition, the Bach Flower Remedies Diploma Course also details how to use your newly-found knowledge to offer bespoke treatments to clients. You will learn how to go about taking on and consulting with clients and setting up goals and treatment plans for them.

Who Would Benefit from This Course?

Covering the subject from beginner-level upwards, the Bach Flower Remedies Diploma Course can be taken up by anyone who wishes to use this therapy for themselves. The course also includes guidance on consulting with and providing treatment plans for clients, so you can use the knowledge gained to offer this treatment to others either on its own or alongside other homeopathic remedies.


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